Become a Reconciling Individual

Join Us

Reconciling Individuals are the backbone of the movement. To commit to the Reconciling mission and get updates from RMN, sign up as a Reconciling Individual below.

Become a Reconciling Individual

What pronouns do you use to identify yourself? (i.e., she/her, they/them, he/his)
Clergy or laity?
If you are not a minister, please check “laity.”
Church, Town, State

Contact Information

Address Line 1
State / Province / Region
Postal Code

Having your mailing address will help us get you the most relevant information about the Reconciling movement.

Demographic Information

Demographic information is optional and may be used in aggregate to report to foundation partners or to analyze how we can do our work better. Demographic information will never be used in identifying ways.
Select all that apply.
Gender Identity
Select all that apply.
Sexual Orientation
Select all that apply.