Foundational Statements


Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates that LGBTQ+ persons are a good expression of God’s diverse creation and exists to advocate for the affirmation of all of God’s children in the Church and the world.


Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.


Reconciling Ministries Network envisions a transformed Church that ensures justice, equity, and dignity for all of God’s children in their diverse intersecting identities.

Theological Statement

Reconciling Ministries Network, as part of a growing justice movement in The United Methodist Church and beyond, humbly stands on the shoulders of saints who have labored for the liberation and healing of all oppressed people. In the midst of continuing challenges that seek to separate LGBTQ+ persons and their loved ones from full communion with the Body of Christ, RMN draws from the Wesleyan understanding of God’s grace that embraces all of creation and seeks its restoration and perfection in love. In this spirit, we offer this theological statement as a guide and inspiration to fulfill our prophetic call.

We believe in the loving and creating God, who is known to us also as Christ the Savior and the Holy Spirit, the Innovator. We believe that human beings were created in God’s image to be God’s children.

We believe God is revealed in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament. In these scriptures, we find the story of God constantly seeking reconciliation and offering love, grace, and hope to every individual.

We believe, affirm, and celebrate the power of God’s grace as a saving force and a sanctifying influence on the life of every person. Grace is rooted in our belief that God is love. Grace is God’s love extended to humankind.

We believe, as the spiritual children of John Wesley, that our relationship with God is ever growing and changing with the passage of time, informed by scripture, grounded in tradition, confirmed by reason, and validated through experience.

We believe the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are central to the life of the community of faith. Every person is invited by God to participate in them, as well as in sacred rites such as confirmation, marriage, and ordination.

We believe that every person is called to use all their spiritual gifts and graces in the community of faith called the Church. RMN is called by God to work with evangelistic zeal through the power of the Holy Spirit to encourage every local congregation to embrace and affirm the presence, participation, gifts, service, and witness of the LGBTQ+ persons within their community.