PRESS RELEASE: Responding to Growing, Evolving Reconciling Constituency, RMN Launches New Website, Resources, and Mission Statement


PRESS RELEASE: Responding to Growing, Evolving Reconciling Constituency, RMN Launches New Website, Resources, and Mission Statement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 14, 2022

CONTACT: Ophelia Hu Kinney, Director of Communications
TELEPHONE: 773.736.5526 x105

Responding to Growing, Evolving Reconciling Constituency, RMN Launches New Website, Resources, and Mission Statement

Following a historic period of growth post-General Conference, Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) has built an improved website; updated its virtual resources to better serve its global Reconciling community; and updated its governing statements for the organization’s more intersectional approach to justice.

Features of the robust new website, still located at, include an interactive map and list of Reconciling Ministries around the world; a vetted resource library aimed at the movement’s most frequently asked questions about LGBTQ+ justice in the Church; a new events calendar that provides dates for important RMN events and more; and a job board to connect Reconciling Ministries with Reconciling United Methodist job seekers.

The renovated website complements updated resources and increased virtual meet-up opportunities for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. Newly developed resources include brochures for parents of LGBTQ+ children, Toolkits that advise LGBTQ+ young adults and youth ministers, curricula for prospective Reconciling Ministries in partnership with the Lakelands Institute, and more. Alongside these resources, which have been accessed thousands of times by individuals around the connection, RMN has also increased its online presence through regular Virtual Porch offerings, acknowledging the importance of online community that developed because of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the increasingly global nature of RMN’s constituency.

In addition to the new website and work mentioned above, RMN is developing the first-ever Reconciling VBS curriculum with modules for children and adults. Plans are to have it available for use in the summer of 2024.

RMN’s new governing statements are as follows:

Focus: Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates that LGBTQ+ persons are a good expression of God’s diverse creation and exists to advocate for the affirmation of all of God’s children in the Church and the world.

Mission: Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.

Vision: Reconciling Ministries Network envisions a transformed Church that ensures justice, equity, and dignity for all of God’s children in their diverse intersecting identities.
