Love Alike: A Small-Group Practice Engaging Faith & Politics

Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?

John Wesley’s exhortation seems harder than ever to follow today.

The results of the 2024 U.S. presidential election indicate that Americans are divided almost equally. But as people of faith, United Methodists have a responsibility to lead in ways that foster healthy interaction and build communities where all God’s people can thrive.

This 3-part guided discussion series is a small-group practice in having tough conversations about faith and politics.

Through this series, you won’t cease to disagree, but you’ll learn together how to navigate disagreement with grace, charting a path toward healing in our divided society.

This study resource is designed to help your United Methodist church or community become more trans-inclusive. Whether or not your group is Reconciling, this resource will equip you to better live into a future of greater love and affirmation.

It will cover some basic truths about transgender people. These sessions will ask you to engage in reflection and discussion guided by biblical scriptures, and to be better equipped to support transgender folks in your community.

What is it?

The reflection guide was designed to help communities and congregations better understand and respond to the decisions of the 2024 General Conference of The United Methodist Church.

What’s inside?

The Next Faithful Steps includes guides for four holistic, discussion-based sessions. Each lesson guide includes insightful summaries of General Conference work and results, as well as meaningful discussion prompts, prayer, scripture, reflection, discussion questions, and suggestions for continued engagement.

How do I get it?

For your whole small group or church, The Nexts Faithful Steps is $20 and you can get it here. Your purchase helps Reconciling Ministries Network to keep equipping our denomination, from individuals to institutions, to keep moving forward toward justice and affirmation for all of God’s children.

If your community is interested in this product but cost is a barrier, please reach out to us at admin (at)

Thank you!

If you’re wondering what your Reconciling Ministry can do to further show your love and affirmation of LGBTQ+ people, click below for a brief list of next steps you can take together.

We're Reconciling! Now What?

Say More is a resource meant to support you and your community as you engage in thoughtful reflection and conversation around LGBTQ+ inclusion. We hope to empower you to share your story with others to further the causes of inclusion and justice both within The United Methodist Church and your own local context.

Say More is for communities and congregations who want to begin or continue facilitating conversation around LGBTQ+ inclusion. Whether this is your first time, or one opportunity among hundreds, we all benefit when we allow the stories of others to touch us deeply while also sharing our own reflection, testimony, and witness.

The foundation of Say More was developed by Rev. Dr. Tiffany Steinwert.

Participant Workbook

Facilitator Guide

All are made in the image and likeness of God. If this is what we believe, then trans people, like all people, reflect something of God, and not just in the ways that they share in common with others, but also in the ways that they are different.

In Changing Our Mind, Past-President of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Christian Ethics David P. Gushee takes the reader along his personal and theological journey as he changes his mind about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender inclusion in the Church.

On Sunday morning, we gather together. We are every color. Every age. Rich and poor. Our church is open, affirming, and accepting. We believe in love instead of hate. There’s room for everyone This book celebrates a spiritual community that embraces all people–no matter their age, race, class, gender identity, or sexual orientation–in love and faith.

Are you LGBTQ+? Not sure? Whether you’re queer or questioning, understanding sexuality and gender identity can be confusing. God loves you exactly as you are. No matter your identity or where in your journey of self-discovery you find yourself, you got this.

What does nonbinary really mean? What is gender nonconforming? And isn’t they a plural pronoun? In this charming and disarming guide, a real-life they-using genderqueer writer unpacks all your burning questions in a fun, visual way. No soapboxes or divisive comment-section wars here!

Transfigured offers a 40-day exploration of scripture through the lens of a God who is the designer of gender in all it’s magnificent variety.