[Love Train] Who’s driving the train?
All trains need a conductor, and that’s true of the Love Train as well. Who’s driving this one?
Some might assume that the institutional Church would take the lead and serve as a strong proponent of moving us forward, but that expectation is probably not realistic. In fact, since General Conference (GC), we’ve noticed that leaders in some Annual Conferences (ACs) have continued a pre-GC posture and are prioritizing the fears of the more conservative members in our United Methodist family.
The truth is, our Reconciling movement and especially our Reconciling Churches and Communities are driving the Love Train. Reconciling Ministries have the experience and have made the commitment, not just to the absence of mandated discrimination achieved at GC24, but to a future of LGBTQ+ safety and affirmation, and to intersectional justice. Reconciling United Methodists (RUMs) and Reconciling Ministries continue to lead the way – serving in key roles throughout their districts and conferences, and encouraging churches in their areas to help keep the train on track and moving in the right direction.
What does that look like in practice? Here are some suggestions.
- Contact your AC office and inquire about their plans to help churches engage in conversation about what is now possible after the changes to the Book of Discipline.
- Consider hosting a study in your community or district. Consider this new RMN resource: Next Faithful Steps: A Guide for Reflection & Action After General Conference 2024
- Email churches in your district letting them know you are available to help facilitate conversations about LGBTQ+ inclusion.
- Reach out to churches in your area who already lean toward inclusion and visit about their interest and potential in exploring that calling. Offer to share stories of the Reconciling process at your church.
- Start planning ahead to AC 2025. Visit with other Reconciling Ministries about offering a workshop at AC next year. Ask the Conference Office to make this part of the official schedule.
- Visit with your pastor about the important votes on the agenda at AC 2025, and volunteer to serve as a lay delegate.
- If lay delegates from your local church are already secured, contact your district office and volunteer to serve as a district/at large/equalizing delegate. (ACs use different terms for this same type of delegate)
- Contact your District Superintendent (DS) and/or Bishop about serving on the District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) or the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry (BOOM). (The DS, in consultation with others, nominates persons to serve on the DCOM. The bishop, in consultation with others, nominates persons to serve on the BOOM)
This is just a brief list of helpful actions that we hope you and/or your Reconciling Ministry will consider. Depending on the needs of your specific setting, you may have additional ideas to share and brainstorm. We’d love to hear from you!